March 15, 2010

Dorenda's Whole Wheat Waffles

from Gina F.

1 cup wheat kernels (unprocessed from your food storage!)

1 cup milk

Put wheat and milk in blender and blend until completely smooth. This takes 10 minutes or more. The mixture needs to be smooth. If it gets too thick for your blender, add 1 or both of eggs from the following list of ingredients, but not any of the liquids. After mixture is very smooth, add:

2 eggs (if you haven’t already)

¼ cup oil

½ tsp. salt

½ - 1 cup milk (add a little at a time until your mixture is the consistency of waffle batter)

Mix in blender again until all ingredients are combined. Then add:

3 tsp. baking power, and just blend for 5 seconds – very quickly. Make sure you add this ingredient last. Batter will “poof” a bit when you add this.

Cook each waffle for about 4 minutes on a hot waffle iron sprayed with non-stick spray.

Serve with fruit and whipped cream or syrup


  1. Yahoo! The Saturday morning staple at my house growing up! You just made Dorenda famous - thanks Mak and Sand! ;)

  2. I have been wanting "blender waffles" and there they are right on your site! They were yummy (and good for you! don't tell my kids )
