
November 21, 2009

Cream Cheese Waffles

From Coleen's Recipes

1-¾ cup flour
2 TBS brown sugar
1 TBS baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
(1) 3 ounce cream cheese (room temperature)
2 eggs (separated)
1-½ cups milk
2 TBS vegetable oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract

1. Mix the cream cheese and 2 egg yolks together until smooth; stir in milk, vanilla extract and vegetable oil.

2. Add dry ingredients and stir just until combined, it will be a little lumpy.

3. Beat 2 egg whites until stiff peaks form and then fold them gently into the batter, leaving lots of fluffs of egg white (don't over mix). Cook in waffle iron.

Good with this syrup

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